Principal's Welcome Message

Tim Rinehold

Tim Rinehold

CPMS Principal
Email Tim Rinehold

Welcome to Clark-Pleasant Middle School!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Clark-Pleasant Middle School.  Our motto, "Exploring Excellence", supports our “A” and Four Star School status.  Our continued success relies on building a strong partnership with our students and families.  We will work to ensure that CPMS is a source of great pride for students, parents/guardians, and the community.   Students' middle school years should be a time to be academically challenged, to grow, explore, and enrich their lives with new opportunities.  The best way to enjoy the middle school experience and learning opportunities at CPMS is to follow The Warrior Way by always being Safe, Responsible, and Respectful.  There is no substitute for high expectations and achievement, but our goal each year is for all students to show growth.  Finally, building a strong foundation in communication, reading, writing, advocacy, critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving, and creativity are essential for success in high school and life.

We believe that by working together we can assist your student in achieving success at CPMS.  Please do not hesitate to contact CPMS staff if you ever need assistance.   


Tim Rinehold
Proud CPMS Principal