Picture of Students

New Student to CPCSC?

Are you considering enrolling in the Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation? Check out the info we've compiled to help you as you make this very important decision for your child(ren)!

It is our mission at Clark-Pleasant to provide learning experiences that ensure ALL students reach their potential. Our core values are Student Centered - High Expectations - Trusting Relationships!

If you already know you are ready to become a Warrior at Clark-Pleasant Community Schools, please visit our Registration Page for information on how to register your child - Click - HERE - then scroll to new student registration information.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for information regarding transfer requests.

If you are still trying to decide, please see the information below to learn more about Clark-Pleasant.

Why become a Clark-Pleasant Warrior?

Transfer Requests

The Clark-Pleasant School Board recognizes it has the authority to accept transfer students and it is the intent of the Board that all applicable laws in regard to student transfers shall be strictly followed. A transfer student is one whose legal settlement is not within the boundaries of the Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation. The Clark-Pleasant student transfer policy can be found by clicking HERE.

A portal for the transfer application is opened and placed on our website in the spring. However, if you are interested in a transfer mid-year you can do so by sending an email to the Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Cassandra Shipp, at cshipp@cpcsc.k12.in.us.